Monday, April 2, 2012

That dirty word...Motivation

Motivation. We all have it at times and occasionally (or not so occasionally) we all most definitely lose it. Although I recently graduated with a degree in Kinesiology with a Health and Fitness Specialty, and have been paid to motivate for the past three years, I am putting my pride aside and am here to say that I am currently undergoing a lack of motivation.

Everyone’s reasons for feeling unmotivated towards exercise are different. In my case I have found that the combination of packing/moving, the stress of finals and graduation, and being in a new location without a set routine has all added up and left me exhausted and sluggish. In addition, for the last 8 years I have had a gym membership at my disposal to assist with increasing my motivation and now for the first time in those 8 years I am living without one. You may be going through similar life changes or are simply having trouble finding a way to convince yourself to get started. Because of my own lack of motivation, I have put together a list of ideas to help me get going again. Hopefully some of these ideas will help you get your motivation back too!!

·         Start out at your pace

o   Easing into an exercise routine works best for me. Understanding yourself and knowing what helps you create a habit is one of the most important things you can take advantage of.

·         Get into a routine (exercise at the same time each day, etc.)

·         Grab a buddy

o   Having the accountability of being there for a workout partner (much like the benefits of hiring a Personal Trainer J) is sometimes all a person needs to get them going. Rob and I have decided to start running or using our TRX (for resistance training) in the mornings together before he goes to work. That way we can help push each other to excel.

·         Short term and long term goals

o   Making a realistic and obtainable goal is very useful as a motivational tactic. A series of short term goals that lead to a long term goal can make exercising more fun and less monotonous. Achieving those step by step goals can also make you feel like you’re getting somewhere rather than just trudging through the motions.

·         Eat healthy, be healthy and get enough sleep

o   I find that when I start eating healthier, taking part in healthier habits (choosing to stand rather than sit, etc.) and I get enough sleep, my body feels more energized and ready to work out. Not to mention, you wouldn’t want all that healthiness to go to waste by not exercising too would you?

·         Just do it

o   At some point or another you have to stop making excuses and simply get some physical activity in. I know this is a huge factor for me. There are a thousand reasons why I “can’t” go for that run…but the fact is my health can’t wait for me to decide the time is right. My heart, my lungs, my brain, my body work hard for me every day, and its time right now to make health a priority.

Good luck getting motivated!! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for motivation techniques that have worked for you!


  1. It's the routine I am struggling with! With a new school schedule and work it's been harder to find a regular time to that working out can fit into. You're right, when there is that structured schedule there it is easier to stay motivated -- it's this sporadic schedule of work outs that I have trouble with. My eating habits have been all over the place too, which is hard. I eat quinoa and veggies for dinner and then down a bag of cookies. Stress is no fun to deal with, but I am trying to remind myself that staying active will be healthiest for my body to deal with it.

    1. That is completely understandable! One thing to keep in mind is that every little bit helps and adds up. For example, three 10 minute bouts of exercise throughout a day is the exact same as 30 minutes of straight exercise. So consider using a ten minute jog or a few pushups or planks here or there for a study break! Also, another idea, if getting into a specific routine is currently tricky, is to fit activity into your day, like parking further from the grocery store so you have to walk a longer distance or making sure to take the stairs over the elevator.

      As far as your eating habits go, it might be helpful to simply keep junk food and sweets out of your house. That way, except on days that you choose to indulge, you won't have the temptation staring you down. And if you have the urge to bake, consider giving most of it away or cutting the batch in half.

      Hang in there and keep reminding yourself that exercise is one of the best tools for de-stress!
