As the New Year approaches, many of you will be contemplating what your 2012 New Years Resolution should be. Will it be to increase the number of times you run a week from 0 to 6, cut sugar completely from your diet, or increase your bench press by 300lbs by summer?
While choosing a fitness or nutritional resolution is absolutely awesome (and a great way to kick start the new year!), starting off with a goal that may be too lofty or challenging could potentially be more detrimental than rewarding in the long run. Setting goals such as exercising six days of the week after taking eight years off just isn't realistic for the majority of the population. Today's world is incredibly busy and fast paced and the precious time you set aside to exercise may ocasionally be squeezed out by family, work, or personal factors. After only going on a run the first day out of the six you were supposed to, your goal suddenly seems too daunting, you throw in the towel and decide to try again next year.
A few days off from your exercise program doesn't have to be the end though....that's called life.
The important thing is to make physical activity a lifestyle choice and a habit, not just an impossible goal you make every new years eve. Setting the goal to exercise six days a week isn't necessarily rediculous for the long run scheme of things, it just needs to be spread out with baby steps.Try starting off with running once a week for the first month, maybe the second month you can bump it up to three times a week. Give yourself time to reach your goal and most importantly set smaller short term goals that you can celebrate along the way.
Pushing yourself to your limits is important but also remind yourself that there is nothing wrong with starting out a little slow in order to progress at your own pace. Health and fitness goals that are chipped away a little at a time are often the ones that become an actual habit. Also, as you form your goals remember SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time frame.
Good Luck!
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